If your League client won’t open, then be sure to check the server first. The plus side here is that such issues should typically be fixed in a timely manner, meaning you’ll be back to the game soon! If this is the reason why you’re unable to play, then, unfortunately, you can’t provide the fix yourself-League of Legends won’t load until the team at Riot Games have fixed any server issues. Let’s begin with problems caused by the game’s server.

Let’s look through each of these possibilities one by one. After all, with League of Legends, the problems you are experiencing may be a result of either an issue with the game’s servers, with your internet connection, or an internal problem with your PC or Mac.

If your League client won’t work, you may need to do some detective work to get to the root of the problem. What are the causes of League of Legends not opening? Open League of Legends from your hard drive.What are the causes of League of Legends not opening?.